Welcome in the Mario Viara's site
There are some software that you might find useful, I wrote them during my long programmers life. All the software are available with source for free. If you have any question or suggestions please email me at mario at viara dot cn . If you find the software useful or interesting, please let me know.
- Ansi32 WIN32 Terminal emulator that can emulate a Linux console
The most important characteristics are :
- Serial terminal
- Multi screen support (ALT-F1 to ALT-F10)
- Function key support (F1..F12 with SHIFT and CTRL)
- Transparent printing on selectable devices.
- SCOANSI Compatibility mode
- Xterm compatibility
- VT100 compatibility mode
- Linux compatibility mode (partial)
- Support for RFC1091
- Support for RFC1073
- And more ....
For use ANSI32 with a Linux box the better emulation is the Xterm or SCOANSI and is tested with :
Suse 9.0,9.1,9.2,10.0,10.2
A sample Midnight commander session under Linux
- Fci BBS Fossil driver my first shareware online from 1994.
- J80 Another Z80/CPM/Spectrum emulator.
J80 is "hardware compatible" with YAZE another Z80 emulator written in C.
Java runtime 1.2 or later
Spectrum 48k with Pacman and Speaker support !
- NVTCom Java library for RFC2217 terminal server
NVTCom as been tested with the following hardware/software terminal server :
Kermit sredir 2.2.0
Simet cross
But I think work with any compatible RFC2217 terminal server because I use this class in one my project from many years.
Java runtime 1.2 or later
- Diseqc Diseqc 1.2 positioner for DC Motor.
The last year I have decide to change my old analog satellite receiver , one old Chaparral MC115 with a new one ASTON 2000. But also I want to use my old DC Motor and the ASTON can only move Diseqc motor.
To solve the problem , with a friend Diego Bertolotti we have made a converter that understand the Diseqc Protocol and directly move the 36 V DC Motor using a single Philips Micro controller 87LPC764.
Now t the prototype is fully tested and we have decide to public the software and the electrical schematic. You can also test the software with J51 one java 8051 emulator.
- JTS RFC2217 compliant Java terminal server
Java runtime 1.2 or later
JTS has been tested with the following application :
- NVTCom library
- Kermit
- HW Virtual Serial Port
- Tactical software serial redirector
- DirSync Directory Synchronizer for Win32 and Linux.
The first time you run dirsync, all data will be copied. When you issue the command again, though, only the changed files are copied. Both source code and an executable for Win32 and Linux are included in the distribution. Also it is possible compile dirsync for MS-DOS environment with OpenWatcom. It's very simple to compile DirSync for other Unix-like systems, too. Because the program works in all Win32 environments, you can run it with WinNt, Win2K and WinXP.
- RT Free Realtime embedded Operating system
- Hard real-time multi threading
- Support for semaphore and mutual exclusion
- User definable priorities from 001 to 254
- Fast memory allocation
- Free compiler.
- Serial port interrupt drivert.
- Serial console.
- Darknet Tor
- Sample application.
- And more ....
ARM7 porting
GNUARM c compiler.
Tested board Philips LPC2148 andKeil MCB2140 evaluation board.
Embedded filesystem library
LPC214X USB stack
8051 Porting
SDCC compiler tested
Tested on : J51 emulator.
- Download Direct connection to download area.
- Personal Some information about me.

Here the most important project where I was involved in the past.
1986 Network device driver for a Z80 based microcomputer running Turbodos.
1988 IBM Compatible BIOS for AT3 clone.
1989 Serial Floppy disk unit based over Nec V25 and Kermit protocol.
1990 Floppy disk driver for generic disk
format on IBM pc AT controller.
1991 Industrial control of extrusion unit base over 80386/80387 and Intel IRMK.
1993 Software for one eolic electrical generator prototype. (MEDIT)
1994 A MSDOS Fossil driver my first shareware
1995 Part of the software for the Neurolab project of the NASA.
1997 Flash Translation Layer IDE compatible interface.
1999 Device driver for radio controlled clock for Novell Netware and SCO Unix.
2000 Amd ELAN SC310
and Pharlap ETS based magnetic card reader..
2002 Application software for Rabbit 2000 based board.
2003 Terminal server compatible RFC2217 over Rabbit 2000 based board.
2004 DISEQC 1.2 positioner for DC motor.
2004 Linux
device driver for ETRAX Cpu.
2005 Hi speed multi point network for Philips LPC900 family.
2005 Serial UART over I2C network
2006 Wave player over I2C for ETRAX based system.
2006 Industrial PC running Pharlap ETS over
My bike
From some months I'm the owner of one fantastic red Ducati ST3 2005. Equipped with Motorola A1000 running WayFinder.. now also I have installed TomTom
- Museum CP/M 80 software museum with many utilities.
I'm looking for the Turbodos system from Software 2000 if someone have still tthis software please contact me.